Outdoor Safety First - Safety, work and natural environmentThink safe be safe

Projects and procedures


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Professionals and Outdoor Players who offer services, activities and outdoor experiences in a natural environment, are constantly occupied with a system of mitigating risk. In this context experience gained throughout the years plays a fundamental role in constantly reviewing, and optimizing the procedures adopted, both towards customers and its operators. This is why the project Outdoor Safety First is above all a technical committee where experience and knowledge are put together.


Risk awareness is a process that has to pass through information. For this reason we have developed and optimized a communication system which is focused both on the principle of knowledge and self-responsibility. Each phase of online contact with the user, from choosing, to buying the service, to booking and confirmation, is associated with the acknowledgement and then the signing of specific disclaimers. The process continues at the moment of the activity, when the managers, instructors or Mountain Guides, before welcoming the clients, verify the awareness of the users in managing the overall experience in the best possible way.

Safety, work and natural environment
Rental gear


Technical gear takes on a determining role in carrying out the activity, this is why it becomes paramount for Outdoor Safety First to adopt a few considerations which when properly integrated with the system, guarantee greater risk mitigation.
Outdoor Safety First identifies, in addition to the development of an analytical and timely monitoring system of the hours of use of all the equipment and PPE made available for carrying out activities, also:

  • The use of equipment certified by recognized quality systems, excluding self-produced and or/modified solutions
  • Strictly follows the directions of use offered by manufacturers
  • Implements a quality procedure for evaluating the suitability of the equipment used


Washing and sanitizing gear and surfaces in direct contact with users is a current and existing theme. As well as the legislations on the subject, we consider it important to adopt a procedural system which guarantees the best result favouring safety and people’s health.
To increase awareness on this sensitive theme, which requires new levels of services, we have optimized and implemented a new managing system:

  • preventive washing and drying
  • sanitization using ozone
  • packaging of equipment (when possible)
  • seals with guarantee

We have currently developed procedures testing solutions for gear such as helments and canyoning wet suits.

Washing and sanitizing


The need to optimize and examine every single aspect of the various outdoor activities in depth and the good risk management practice motivates us in the process of divulgation and expanding the project.
We believe that future development will be to work on the accreditation of procedures proposed by Outdoor Safety First, with the objective of disseminating the best habits in the world of outdoor safety and creating a system of quality.

Outdoor Safety First - Safety, work and natural environment


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